Radiator covers as a source to reclaim space and renew the interior.

Wooden Radiator covers as a source to reclaim space and renew the interior.

Reclaim your lost space by adding one of our stylish radiator cover designs.

      Your radiators keep you toasty and warm, but they might also be taking up valuable square footage of your home or commercial space. And if you’re an urban liver, space comes at a premium price. A well-arranged home might gain more from the radiator by covering it up, and help you reclaim the flat surface on top to display books, picture frames, or hardy plants. If you have a family, there’s a certain period in your life when you have tiny humans barreling around the house scraping, burning, and generally injuring themselves. A hot radiator in an inopportune place can lead to a dangerous situation. Some parents like to surround their radiators with safety gates, although these could potentially be scaled by a particularly determined kid or pet. So a  wood radiator cover can help you neatly contain the danger and make sure no one gets hurt while gaining a beautiful piece of interior nature instead of the old metal abstract of the century. Old radiators can be a bit noisy. Covers can help turn the volume down on those hisses, pops, and gurgles.  Old cast iron radiators aren’t perfect. Like all of us, they can lose their looks over time. You could refinish, but a wood radiator cover is the alternative low-cost way to not only protect you family but also redesign  your space and  gain that lost  counter. You can choose designs from ArtMIllWork Design that blends in with your living or commercial space interior.

We create custom sizes of radiator covers for more information visit our Custom Radiator Covers page and fill out the form at  the bottom.